How many of your family members are missing?
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb” Jeremiah 1:5
During prayer for my children and grandchildren recently, God revealed, I have at least five little souls in heaven, I will meet one day. Then it occurred to me, I might have many offspring that I haven’t heard of, and won’t know the extent till I am in heaven.
I miscarried my fifth baby, both of my daughters miscarried on several occasions.
God knew them in the womb Psalm 139
The lifestyle of some of my family members in particular, could be responsible for many young souls taken from earth, I am sad to say.
I offer prayer for Gods mercy on them for sins they commit.
Job 1:5.'After his children feasted seven days eating and drinking he was concerned that they might have blasphemed or cursed God in their hearts. He offered up prayer and sacrifice for them.'
Like Job this particular day, I was offering prayers for anything they may have done against Him. I felt suddenly overwhelmed with grief and felt that perhaps one of my sons wives, or someone in the family might be contemplating it at this moment. How would I know?
I wept for all the children who that day would be lost to the earth, and I prayed that none of my family were amongst them.
we are responsible for our own sin, of course, but I believe as Moses prayed for the Israelites when they faced Gods wrath, we may stay His hand for a time and intercede on their behalf. Praying they will be convicted and turn to the Lord for forgiveness.
If I truly believe from conception they are living beings, filled with Gods likeness, as each soul is, then they deserve names.
God says he will give us a new name as Rev 2:17 states. These little ones are those of which the Bible speaks, persecuted, through no fault of their own.
I believe these souls pray for their mothers around the throne.
He gave me this that morning.
To My Unborn Grandchild
I’m sorry precious baby for the way you left the womb,
For the selfishness of Mum and Dad, the hearts that made no room.
Had I known of your existence, I would have fought, cried and begged,
To hold you and enclose you
And nurture you instead.
Our Father, He was crying
Your guardian did wail,
As human hands removed you
And your heart began to fail
You’re little body torn apart
Your haven now a hell
If I had known at all dear one
I would have prayed, farewell.
My Jesus held out his hands,
To take your living spirit
And into his breast he pressed you
With love that has no limit.
I know we would have loved you
And one day we will see,
Your precious unique heart and soul
When from our bodies we are free.
I love you. From Nanna.
Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.